Founded in 1954 by the late Tan Sri Dato’ Low Yat, the Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) plays a vital role in the advancement and development of the construction industry. For the past few decades, we have represented Malaysia’s construction industry during various key phases on its path to success.
Dedicated to promoting and developing the construction industry in Malaysia, MBAM has evolved into a cohesive umbrella organization. We have earned international recognition through affiliations with the Internation Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association (IFAWPCA) and the ASEAN Constructors Federation (ACF). We have also successfully hosted the 20th and 29th IFAWPCA Conventions in 1983 and 1998, respectively.

Circa 1985-1986, we have successfully negotiated unreasonable price increases for steel bars, cement, and glass, obtaining a concession for the supply of steel bars. During this period, we also amended the JKP contract form to adopt the ‘Fluctuation Cause’; and allowed direct transfers of registrations for contractors from JKR to PKK in 1987 without observing the new government registration ruling at the time. Consequently, we organized the import of 30,000 bags of cement for members in 1962. Similar exercises were carried out in 1982 and 1995 to battle the effects of shortages.

1998 proved to be a significant milestone in MBAM history in that the Registrar of Societies approved its new constitution and by-Laws, providing wider scopes of participation in membership. It allowed the creation of Associate Members, offering membership to 140 entities directly and indirectly linked to the construction history. It includes specialist sub-contractors, building material suppliers, manufacturers, trading companies, and insurance brokers, further expanding MBAM’s today’s extensive network of members.
With 140 linkages, extensive experience, and an impressive local and international presence, MBAM is well set to effectively represent a single unifying voice to the relevant government authorities and various professional bodies.